Currently I am in London. I hate to bash a city, but it isn't going well for me. I did the fashion week in New York, did all presentations there, then continued on to London for their fashion week as well. Rather than continue on, however, I will be staying here until October 16, and then heading back to New York. I can not wait to get back to NY. When I first arrived in London, it was nothing but problems for the entire fashion week. I walked for 3 designers, Felder Felder, Saro, and Michael VanDerHam. Fashion week is the craziest time of the year for models. We have to do around 15 castings a day and it is exhausting to say the least. We then continue on from city to city and have a month of insanity. I found that a lot of the new faces in NY were fed up with it rather quickly, and decided they will not be doing fashion week again. I like the craziness however and it only occurs two times out of the year, so it isn't so bad for me. However, the agency here was struggling to keep it together during fashion week, so there were a lot of complications. One thing I cannot deal with is incompetence. The first day they tried to deny me a driver, they made me so late for a show that I arrived 20 minutes before it started, rushed hair and makeup, and I walked out on the runway immediately. A few mistakes, and days, later, I couldn't take it anymore and started bawling to my mom on Skype. Thank goodness for her because she is keeping me sane.
I am now staying in London to work and see clients and do normal castings for about a month. The weather here is quite unpleasant. Always cold and rainy, Cali girls don't adapt too well. It is also hard to get around because everything is so far away. London is a large city and there is a lot of long rides on the Tube (subway), and walking. The only thing keeping me happy is my trip to Paris. Despite the agency fighting me, I AM going to Paris this weekend to see friends and have a blast. I haven't been there in so long, I can't believe it has been six months already. I'm ecstatic to get back. Luckily I live with a friend as well, Indiamara from Brazil. She is the sweetest girl I know and such a great roommate. I am so happy to be living with her.
I went out for the first time last night as well which was a BLAST. I met a crazy Russian named Elena and we had a a great time dancing together. We went to Vendome, which isn't the nicest club in London - because of the people they allow in - but it was still a fun nonetheless. I went out with a promoter named Sei who was so nice and showed us a great time. I'm sure going out will help the time pass here in London, because I am really looking forward to getting back to NY with all my friends. That's life for me at the moment,
Allison in Wonderland