So as you all know, I have been traveling the world like crazy for the past year. I've been visiting Portugal, Paris, Tokyo, London, LA, NY, New Zealand, and Australia. From all this traveling, I feel like I have gained an experience that many will never have the pleasure of embarking on, and I am very appreciative of it. HOWEVER, after this crazy year, I have finally decided on a home. NYC!!! I am living at Lauren Browne's apartment again down in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I love it down here so much. Lauren moved to Las Vegas to be with her boyfriend, but is still paying half the rent for when she needs to come to NY for work and such. So BASICALLY I live alone and it is going great. Work has finally been going well for me. I have options in the upcoming month that I am very excited about and crossing my fingers to get. I shot for Chinese Vogue two days ago, which was an amazing experience in and of itself. I am flying to Zurich, Switzerland for a week in November to do a few fashion shows. I can honestly say that I am happy with my work life and that things are going great.
Then there's the personal life....
I have been having a blast and spending a lot of time with my friends here in the city. Sofia Arellano, who I met in LA, is here in NY now. Madeleine Kragg and Whitney Jensen are here as well, both of whom I met in Paris. It's so nice to be reunited with my friends again. The boy life has been quite troublesome though. I met this great guy here in the city back in August, but I never viewed it as serious because I thought I was still on the traveling tip. Now I have come back to New York and realized how much I care for him. He has his life though and his job proves troublesome in his mind to maintain a relationship. I think it's interesting how girls never put themselves out there, and they always wait for the guys to come around to them. I am quite the opposite, and patience is definitely not one of my virtues. I think girls should take up the reins once in a while and take control of the relationship. At the end of the day, why is a girl's feelings more important than the guy's? The guys get just as frustrated when they are denied. However, the girls do tend to handle it more externally I have found. Tears, ice cream, calling the friends to vent. Why? Stop that. Suck it up. There's so many people out there. The average person loves seven times in their life. 7 TIMES!! That's insanity to me. Just remember that there is someone out there for everyone. This is one of those cheesy love quotes that I really do believe in. I don't think it is destiny that you will meet the "one" for you, I think there are many "one"s for everyone. It just takes a few trial and errors to find one of them. ;) Anyways, those are my views on things at the moment.
I hope all my readers are doing well. If you're wondering where I am in the world, IM HOME.
Allison in Wonderland
Tasteless top photograph.