So as you all know by now, my parents live down in Carlsbad, California. My amazing friend Lauren Browne wanted to take a trip down to San Diego to pick up a musician from the airport that she has never met. She found him one day while listening to Pandora, and BOUGHT his album on itunes. Lauren never buys anything on itunes, so this was a big deal, clearly. She told me about the trip she had planned and, as always, I invited myself along. We left LA around 8 and began our journey. We are both feisty little things so, of course, our conversations consisted of boys, sex, and drugs. It was a great drive down and we were very excited to see how our new little friend would be in person. When we picked him up, we immediately got the vibes that this was not going to be a very exciting night on his part, and we were right. After arriving back at his place we all started talking. Now in the modeling world, I would hope that people don't expect us to be just pretty faces. Some of us have interesting stories and are fun to hang out with. Were we wrong to expect he would be more than just a good voice? He truly is an amazing singer. He has a Jack Johnson style that will melt your heart, but when he set the guitar down and started talking normally, it was just a failure. We all were pretty hungry around 11 or so, and we went on a mission to find food. Justin and I got burritos, while Lauren saw a Wendy's and flipped out and we had to go there. UHmazing. So we took our food and went down to the beach and sat on a bench and ate. There were sprinklers on behind us, which of course came on 10 minutes later and sprayed us all in the face, along with Justin's precious guitar. HA. So that killed the mood and we went back to the house. We all chilled outside while he played us a couple songs before we decided to just go back to Carlsbad and call it a night. After facebooking from one room to the other, Lauren and I finally fell asleep.
When we woke up, we got lunch with my mom and my BEST friend Bryce Outcault. Bryce and I have been friends for quite a while, and he was best friends with my ex-boyfriend, Matt. I was so happy to see him again and catch up on life. He has a lot going for him with work and all, and I am very proud to see how far he is coming since high school. I know we will always be close no matter where life takes us. After lunch, Lauren and I took a stroll down the beach and headed back to LA around 2. Mission accomplished. Funniest trip ever. It was so nice to get out of the city for a night. Thank you San Diego, you will be missed.
Allison in Wonderland