Saturday, May 22, 2010


So throughout my travels, I have found that a nice way to pass time when you're bored is to go out and walk. I am always on my own when I get to a new city, and I don't have any friends at first, so I enjoy to explore my newest surroundings. Why does this have to be so difficult?? Last night I was at Louis' house and was extremely bored, so I left and decided to walk up and down Sunset to kill some time. What the hell is wrong with people? One guy followed me in his car for about 3 minutes while I walked down the road, shouting profanities at me and attempting to get me inside of his vehicle. Are you serious? Do you really think I am going to turn around and say, "Ya, I want to be abducted and raped inside your car today." Pathetic jerk. GET A LIFE. What joy do guys get out of shouting things at me?? I don't have a car here, so I walk to my castings sometimes as well. Every time I go out, I get a variety of people following me, honking, whistling, shouting, barking, etc. I just don't understand why people must do this. Do you think I will turn to you and come to your car and talk to you? Or even give you my number? NO. I am perfectly aware of the fact that I am decent looking, all of the modeling contracts confirmed THAT one for me. I don't need to be constantly bothered. I invested in a nice big pair of headphones to tune out all of the bullshit, but it only helps to a certain point.
America, I have found, has a little more decency than Europe, however. I don't get followed VERY often. I usually get more shouts and staring. While I was living in Paris, one night around 8, I was down at the metro station waiting for the subway so I could go and meet a friend. Some guy decides it would be a good idea to grab me. Not just grab my ass or my hand, which happens rather often, but actually wrap his arms around me and try to pull me away to God only knows where. After kicking him and running away in my heels, he starts yelling at me in French. When I scream back that I don't speak French, he asks me how tall I am in English. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??? He grabbed me and tried to take me, only to ask me how tall I am? What is wrong with society. I find the general public to be so idiotic.
Why do people have to stare and make comments about strangers? If you say someone is hot, OK, but all the time I will be with my friends and they will say, "Check out how fat that chick is!!". Why do people care so much about looks? Sure, when looking for someone to date, I understand that sexual attraction is a MUST, but when people are just walking around, trying to go about their daily lives, why do YOU have the right to judge them. Let me tell you, YOU DON'T. Just leave everyone alone. If you don't want to talk to them because of how they look, then you're pathetic. I try so hard not to judge people on looks because the world is messed up enough without prejudice. I give everyone the same chance to be my friend, slim to none. I will be courteous and nice to everyone of course, but everyone doesn't need to be my best friend. I have found comfort in my loneliness and being on my own. I find a few SELECT people in each city that I can consider true friends, and I only want to be with them. So don't go grabbing my hand at the club or trying to start a conversation with me about your great life, because I honestly just don't care. I have the people I want in my life, and if I take the time out to call you my friend, it is for a good reason. It means that I will truly have your back throughout my time in your city. I will defend my friends to the last punch I have in me because they mean a lot to me, so don't go shouting things at them either. Asking me out is flattering. Shouting at me is not. Have some decency and go and meet a girl at Coffee Bean or something. Don't contribute to the degeneration of society with cavemen reactions. Go about YOUR life and leave the people around you alone. They would like to live their lives in peacel. I know I would like to as well...
Allison in Wonderland

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