Ok, so today I was sitting down with my agent at LA Models, Kim. We were talking about my life's latest drama and everything that has been going on with work and boys, and she decided I should start writing a blog. I've thought about starting one for a while now and she finally pushed me into it. She thought it would be interesting for girls to hear about everything going on with my crazy "model" life, with all the traveling and whatnot. My narcissistic views on the world were another contributing factor. For 19, my mother says I'm one of the most jaded people she knows because I see the world for the crap that it is, but I still manage to stay positive and remember how lucky I am to have the life that I have. So here we go world, Allison in Wonderland.
A little bit about me.... HMMMMM. Originally from Richfield, Ohio, my parents now live in Carlsbad, Ca, and that has been my home for the past 5 years. For the last 2 years I was in a relationship with a guy from my high school which was ROCKY to say the least. I blame the whole thing on "love" and low self-esteem. We broke up when I arrived in Paris and he TEXT me deciding that he didn't know if he wanted a relationship anymore...idiot. When he came back to me a week later I said NO because I was, at this point, single in Paris, and I took FULL advantage of that. I started seeing a promoter there, which was casual. I have decided that modeling is no job that should have a relationship. It makes you distracted and want to be with them, when you just need to focus on traveling and furthering your career and blablabla. Besides, anyone can fall in love. Not falling is what is challenging. Staying detached from people is difficult, but not impossible. And I have found myself happiest keeping a distance from everyone. The only people worth keeping in my life are my family, and Kelsey Rogers. Kelsey is my BEST friend. We met on our first photo shoot and have been super close ever since. She is so much like me, brutally honest. Life isnt about sunshines and rainbows. I would rather tell someone the truth and get in a fist fight than be caddy any day.
Currently I am posted up in Los Angeles. I am here for work (modeling) because I have no money and LA is a good place to earn it. In the past year I have gone to New York, New Zealand, Australia, Paris, and Portugal for work, as well as trips to home in between, and I am off to Tokyo in the first week of June. The traveling has been amazing, but I'm very skeptical about modeling. It's very easy to get sucked in to. I'm 5'11 and weigh 125 and I get told to lose weight. UHHHmazing. If you don't have thick skin, don't bother coming into this industry, because you'll be chewed up and spit out with an eating disorder or some other issues. If you can handle it, however, it can be a lot of fun. You just have to have a good head. You always have to remember who you are and what really matters to you. Marilyn got it right, "It's better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you're not". Most girls, I find, get really wrapped up in the partying. Oh the partying. It is fun, very fun, if you find the right people to go out with. ps- beware of promoters. Despite what my agent tells me on a regular basis, they aren't ALL bad. But for the most part, scumbags. I am currently "hanging out" with a promoter/artist/musician here in LA. I say "hanging out" because you can never call it more than that. It's not dating, it's not a relationship, you just have fun and enjoy what time you have before I flee off to the next town. Never get too attached or count on things being serious, or you will just end up hurt, which you don't have time for. No one wants a depressed modeling working with them, so suck it up and don't let anyone hurt you. There is always someone out there hurting more than you, so wipe your tears, smoke a cig, and eat an apple, because you sure as hell can't go into a tub of ice cream. I'm 19, I don't need love or have time for it. I'm too young to know what love is and I don't plan to find out for a really long time, so don't expect me busy on Valentine's Day. Life is about having fun and enjoying yourself, especially when you are young, and I plan to do JUST that.
Allison in Wonderland
Alli I Love You!!! I will totally be following you once you leave me here in LA :(